Recently, Yuri Bubliy (@1usmus) tweeted what has already been confirmed to be a coded message. Technically speaking, it looks nothing more than a string of numbers and alphabets, all in a single line. Yuri assures his followers that the riddle is, indeed, a hex and if you plug it into a hex decoder, it translates as “Genesis 16 cores”. For the uninitiated, that message is a direct reference to AMD’s Zen 3-based Ryzen Threadripper CPU codenamed “Genesis Peak”, and seems to suggest that it will ship out with 16-cores and 32-threads. Unsurprisingly, the coded message lacks any additional details, but having said that, it is interesting that AMD is still planning on releasing 16-cores Threadripper CPUs. Given that the minimum core count of even its lowest-tier Zen 2 Threadripper CPU, the 3960X, is 24-cores.

47454e4553495320313620434f524553 — Yuri Bubliy (@1usmus) January 1, 2021 In fact, the last time AMD made a 16-cores, 32-threads HEDT processor was its top-of-the-line 2nd generation Threadripper CPU, the 2950X, that was in turn a follow-up to the original 1950X, which launched back in 2017. In any case, Yuri’s tweet should still be taken with the usual intake of salt, since AMD still has yet to confirm anything. Who knows, maybe the company could announce something regarding Zen 3 Threadripper CPUs during a virtual keynote at CES 2021. (Source: Yuri Bubliy via Twitter, Hot Hardware)