When asked what was exactly the issue, the DWVR dev said that even they don’t know. Without going into detail, they say that the game just refuses to even launch on the PS5. They go on to say that the game uses Unreal Engine. Many other games make use of the same en which many other games use but will reportedly still work fine with the next-generation console.
On another note, the dev says that they’re also working to get the PS5 boost mode to work with DWVR. Specifically, they are referring to the Game Boost feature which lets games make use of the new console’s extra graphical power to produce better visuals, or even frame rates, depending on the game. This is good news for fans of DWVR, and fans of VR games in general. By extension, this also bodes well for the remaining nine PS4 titles that are incompatible with the PS5. After all, the issue can be fixed with a patch, at least once the issue is identified. (Source: Reddit via Push Square)