French freelance developer Grégoire Divaret-Chauveau created a web game that pits you to play both Tetris and Snake simultaneously. Focusing on one of the games is hard enough but in the interest of crushing our fragile souls, Divaret-Chauveau have coded both games to share the same controls and it doesn’t just stop there. If you lose in one game, you’ve basically lost both games immediately.

— grgrdvrt (@grgrdvrt) November 20, 2019 The developer stated in his website that the game was created as his Day 9 submission for Codevember, an annual challenge for developers to make a creative sketch by day during the whole month of November. Basically it is the coding equivalent to Inktober where a different predetermined theme is presented each day of the month. For those who are interested to play Grégoire Divaret-Chauveau’s Tetris + Snake web game, feel free to take your patience to the test on his website. To give you an idea of how unforgiving it is, I immediately lost a round while figuring out the controls after opening the page. So, there. (Source: via The Verge)