More specifically, the two companies have announced a Tamagotchi Nano featuring the character. The official announcement came via the Tamagotchi US Twitter account, but details are on the scarce side of things. For what it’s worth the official Tamagotchi site mentions more of what you will be getting from it, though nothing you can’t already imagine if you’re familiar with this line of virtual pet toys. As you’d expect, you get the usual routine of feeding Grogu, with a choice of squid chowder and macarons. The twist here is that depending on its feeding habits, the character can evolve “into one of 12 different appearances”. Though apparently feeding Grogu too much squid chowder  and “the squid will jump on him”, whatever that is supposed to mean.

— Tamagotchi US (@Tamagotchi_US) September 20, 2022 There are also the usual collection of mini-games, some of which will “nurture” the character. This then leads to “10 playable outcomes depending on how you interact with him”. Beyond these, there are two more mini-games that are “available anytime to play”, suggesting it won’t affect which outcome you get. There’s also a mention of special guests that will “come and visit every hour”. (Source: Tamagotchi US [1], [2])