According to CRN, Intel will still honour whatever existing commitments that it has. But beyond that, the company will apply what it has learned from the computer vision tech to support other parts of its business. Word on Intel giving up on RealSense got about following the announcement that the team’s head, Sagi Ben Moshe, was leaving the company two weeks ago. Intel has since confirmed this with its statement to CRN.
The RealSense name being really long in the tooth now. That being said, there have been few mainstream products that actually made use of the tech. One of the few examples that come to mind were webcams that video gaming peripheral brand Razer came up with. The most recent example is, of course, the very Boston Dynamics-esque robot dog. With and with that robot dog being announced just last week, it makes the news of RealSense getting retired sounding very odd. But perhaps that’s exactly what Intel meant by existing commitments to its customers. (Source: CRN)