Companies with approved licenses will effectively be allowed to bypass the trade that is currently in effect against Huawei. As it stands, the name of companies on that list remains largely unknown, but it wouldn’t surprise us if one of those companies happens to be Google. Back in May this year, the Trump administration signed an executive order that put a stranglehold on US companies, prohibiting them from using certain 5G telecommunications equipment made in China, and more specifically, by Huawei. In addition to the ban, the US also put Huawei on its Entity list, effectively barring the company from receiving support and using component produced by companies based in the US.

That list of companies includes Intel, Qualcomm, ARM, and Google to name a few. The latter’s Google Mobile Services (GMS) being restricted from all future Huawei mobile devices, as evidenced by the launch of the brand’s newest Mate 30 Series smartphones. To be fair, the ban hasn’t technically gone into effect yet; Google, Intel, and Qualcomm still have just over 30 more days to help Huawei with some major areas, including operation, maintenance, and support for currently existing, fully operational network and equipment. Nevertheless, a spokesman from the US Commerce Department that is responsible for the licenses said in an email that, as of this moment, the status quo on China, and by extension, Huawei, holds. (Source: New York Times, CNA)

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