According to a report by Business Wire, Hollywood giant Warner Bros. Pictures has plans to adopt an AI-driven project management system developed by Cinelytic Inc. The system will assist the studio in making decisions during the “greenlight process” where it will predict a movie’s revenue, gauge the value of talents, and even determine when a film should premiere.

Cinelytic stated that the AI won’t have the final say on whether a movie gets the greenlight or not, and the decision still falls under Warner Bros. executives. The company added that the platform features machine learning & artificial intelligence driven tools that provide game changing insights on talent value, content potential/risk, and audience demand in real time. The studio’s move to adopt AI in its project management does seem interesting, but it might not sit well with other executives, film makers, and even Hollywood stars. Having an AI determining whether a movie should be given a summer blockbuster or an off-season filler treatment will most likely generate backlash from industry figures and fans alike.

Warner Bros. have yet to implement the platform in their decision making process, so it’s too early to tell if AI could indeed help the studio to publish more hits rather than misses. Let’s hope the platform predicts success from the studio’s upcoming sequel to last year’s Joker film. (Source: Business Wire // Images: Warner Bros.)

Warner Bros Adopts AI Assistance For Decision Making On Movie Releases - 99Warner Bros Adopts AI Assistance For Decision Making On Movie Releases - 66